Sabtu, 29 Desember 2007

GO GO and GO!!!!

Ini adlh sebuah\selembar poto yang di dalamnya terdapat beberapa orang

yang bisa dikataIN barudak yang gak tahu malu, mungkin jg yang agak malu tahu, tapi sapa tahu nggak malu2IN, tapi nggakpapa namanya juga boocah ya gak.Trim`s untuk tidak membajak\memperbanyaknya, karena dilindung undang2 byms no.19. thank`s

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Cara baru maen game

Cara baru maen game
by ms

MY sunday activieties

I `am want to publication my sundaey activities in this blog

HI i`am mirudan Zs de Senpai , my School at SMP Negeri satu Cimahi, I live at Nusantara raya street no 5 Cimahi, West Java, Indonesia, Im 13 years old . My hobbies is a play Football with my friend or single play and the second hobby is listening a music, I like listening Japanese music and the third hobby is a cycling round the cimahi city with my friend. Ok , I born in Hospital in Bandung City and, I birthday in 5 june 1994 at 00.05 am. I Have One Mother and Father and den I have two brother, my brother now is a University lecture in Bandung (STT in Dayeuh kolot) and in Depok City (UI), my mother is a someone a doctor and my father is someone a functionary.

Ok. This is a my activities in Sundays with my Family

In Saturday night I ussualy sleepy late, I sleepy more than at 22.oo pm In Sunday I sometimes wake up late, after wake up(in the morning) I have sport in my home, take a shower and breakfast after that I watching tv several hours and play a computer Master liegue PES 2008 and Championship Manager 2007. In the daylight I usually go to several place, the example go to grandfather`s home, go to shoping centre and etc , after that I go home. In my home I relax while a watching television, eat the snack and ya I have to must study and make task again. It`s weary day and it`s a long day . Thank you very much for the attention . TRIM`S


by ms